
For the 8th World Water Forum Thematic Process

The World Water Forum is an international event, organised every three years by the World Water Council in collaboration with the authorities of the host country. It is the largest water-related event in the world, aimed at putting water firmly on the international agenda. A three-year preparatory process culminates in one week of sessions, debates and cultural activities, where all stakeholders interested in water issues come together to push for strong political commitment to give greater priority to appropriate water management strategies. The 8th World Water Forum will take place in Brasilia in March 2018 and will include the traditional three Forum processes – Thematic, Regional and Political –, a Citizens Forum and an Exhibition, and a new Sustainability Focal Group. 

Preparations are underway, and at the first outreach activity – the Kick-off Meeting that took place in Brasilia last 27th–28th June – the Thematic Process presented its preliminary Framework for discussion. The Thematic Commission (TC) is pleased to announce the open call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) from all interested stakeholders to be involved in the Thematic Process as Theme or Topic Coordinator.

The call will be open until the 17th of November 2016, for those who have not already expressed interest in writing to the Forum Secretariat since June. The 9 themes (divided into 6 main themes and 3 cross-cutting issues) and 32 topics that make up the 8th World Water Forum Thematic Framework have been developed by the Thematic Commission in dialogue with a large number of stakeholders and endorsed by the 8th Forum’s International Steering Committee.

pdf 8th World Water Forum – Call for Expression of Interest
World Water Forum 8